“The old palace? Don’t waste your time. Any thief worth her salt has already made off with all the good stuff. As for the talentless hacks… well…there’s a reason you don’t hear about them, isn’t there?”
“...The hound?"
“Aye, cave canem. Fate rest its soul."
“We tell a story about it, you know—the Hound that haunts those ruins.
In the days of our foremothers, there was a king who fashioned himself the patriarch of his people. He had the tastes that all men of power do: a thirst for land, blood, and dominion over lesser things. Even wild beasts could not escape his avarice… It’s said that he acquired quite a menagerie in his time, and the crown jewel of his collection was his beloved Hound.
Rebellion came to his doorstep, of course. Seeing the fierce grief in the faces of the people, the Hound quailed. For the first time it knew of others that suffered as it did. So the king moved to strike the creature, to excite it to violence on his behalf… And his fist came down upon it for the last time.”
In the days of our foremothers, there was a king who fashioned himself the patriarch of his people. He had the tastes that all men of power do: a thirst for land, blood, and dominion over lesser things. Even wild beasts could not escape his avarice… It’s said that he acquired quite a menagerie in his time, and the crown jewel of his collection was his beloved Hound.
Rebellion came to his doorstep, of course. Seeing the fierce grief in the faces of the people, the Hound quailed. For the first time it knew of others that suffered as it did. So the king moved to strike the creature, to excite it to violence on his behalf… And his fist came down upon it for the last time.”
story & personalitya once-proud and venerated beast who ripped her own neck from the stockade. she keeps the bronze shards of her legacy close to her chest. though previously only seen raking her marble-dulled claws across the floors of the old palace, recently the hound has been sniffing around the Library. what scent has she caught? |
appearances & permissions
κύανος (kyanós) • κυανή (kyaní) • κυανό (kyanó)
i answer to all.
(any gender, any form of the name. kyan for short.)
i answer to all.
(any gender, any form of the name. kyan for short.)
i'd love it if you made art of kyan!
she always wears fragments of a brass prong collar around her neck, turned outwards like a carlanca.
she is welcome to be drawn in stand-alone pieces, or depicted with any of the library's other characters.
no outside character interactions or writing at this time, thank you!
she always wears fragments of a brass prong collar around her neck, turned outwards like a carlanca.
she is welcome to be drawn in stand-alone pieces, or depicted with any of the library's other characters.
no outside character interactions or writing at this time, thank you!
“It's funny, that phrase."
“Cave canem. Beware the hound. Whose sake is it for—ours or the hound's?"